
What To Do If You Can’t Poop Because Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a problem shared among many – studies show that 50% to 85% of adults worldwide experience them. What can cause hemorrhoids?1 A number of factors, including constipation, pregnancy,...


What Triggers Hemorrhoids? 5 Foods to Avoid With Hemorrhoids

Let’s face it—hemorrhoids are the unwelcome houseguests of the digestive system. They show up unannounced, make themselves at home, and refuse to leave without causing some serious discomfort. If you’ve...


Hemorrhoid or Pimple: Telling the Difference Between These Two Common Problems

Time for a quick post! Check the charts below to determine if you have a hemorrhoid or a pimple. Understanding the Differences Between These Common Problems Hemorrhoids are swollen veins...


Can Hemorrhoids Cause Cancer?

Hemorrhoids are prevalent, treatable and widely considered a nuisance, with painful, itchy or bleeding symptoms in a hard-to-reach place. These symptoms can be cause for alarm, however, as many overlap...


The 6 Best Exercises for Hemorrhoids

It may feel counterintuitive to think about exercise when you’re dealing with a hemorrhoid. Just getting through your commute or simply walking to the store can feel burdensome if your...


Traveling with Hemorrhoids: Items to Take, Tips & More

Table of Contents What are Hemorrhoids? Essential Items You Should Pack Travel Tips for the Journey Seeking Medical Advice Before Travel Traveling With Hemorrhoids: Destination Considerations While the joy of...


Does Sitting on a Donut Pillow Help with Hemorrhoid Pain?

Table of Contents What Is a Donut Pillow? How Effective Are Donut Seat Cushions? Claimed Benefits vs Reality Research On the Effectiveness of Donut Pillows for Hemorrhoids Risks and Side...


Bleeding Hemorrhoids: How Much is Normal?

Hemorrhoids are a common health concern affecting millions of people worldwide[1]. While often uncomfortable, many individuals are unsure about what constitutes normal bleeding from hemorrhoids. This comprehensive guide will help...


How To Choose The Best Pillow For Hemorrhoids

Table of Contents What Causes Hemorrhoids? The Best Hemorrhoid Pillows, Cushions, and More How to Prevent Hemorrhoid Pain in the Future Final Thoughts on Finding Pain Relief When your hemorrhoids...


How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids: A Complete Guide to Hemorrhoid Relief

Hemorrhoids are more common than most of us might guess. We tend to struggle with them alone and keep the frustration and pain to ourselves out of embarrassment or shame. ...


How Long Does It Take For Hemorrhoid Cream To Work?

Hemorrhoids are intrusive and uncomfortable, but they can be treated quickly if cared for properly. The fastest working hemorrhoid creams will soothe pain instantly, but not all creams are made...


Can You Get Hemorrhoids from Lifting Weights and Heavy Objects?

Many people are prone to hemorrhoids, but weightlifters and those repeating heavy lifts in general are particularly susceptible. How can you get a hemorrhoid? Pressure on your rectum has a...


How to Alleviate Hemorrhoid Pain and Find Relief

Everyone has hemorrhoids. These clusters of veins that lie just beneath the lining of the anus only come to our attention when they start causing trouble. Uncomfortable symptoms that include...


How To Sleep With Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

Losing sleep to a thrombosed hemorrhoid? While this blood clot within your hemorrhoid can cause serious pain, there are strategies for tackling the discomfort. And when it comes to sleep,...


Aloe Vera on Hemorrhoids: Applying Aloe Vera During Home Treatment

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus that cause discomfort such as itchiness, redness and swelling. Daily activities that create extra strain on this region can lead...


Do I Have a Hemorrhoid? Quiz

Hemorrhoids can be a tricky business to diagnose, as many of their symptoms overlap with other conditions in the perineal region. Learning how you get hemorrhoids (or piles, as they’re...


Will an Ice Pack Help Hemorrhoids Go Away?

Hemorrhoids are a common problem that come with a frustrating set of complications. Cold therapy applied to the region can help reduce irritating symptoms. We’ll teach you how to do...


How to Heal a Fissure Fast

If you’ve suffered from hemorrhoids consistently, you are no stranger to the signs and symptoms of an anal fissure. The two share many common causes and may even be mistaken...


Can Spicy Food Cause Hemorrhoids?

We’ve all heard the old adage “you are what you eat”, but what does this mean for the spicy food lovers of the world? Are they forced to walk around...


Why Do Hemorrhoids Itch? Causes & Treatment Methods

Some of the many uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids include burning, pain, tearing, bleeding, irritants and more. Today, we’ll focus on itching, and investigate why hemorrhoids itch and how you can...


How to Poop with Hemorrhoids: Pain Relief Tips

Being afraid of a painful trip to the toilet is no fun. A squeaky wheel, however, gets the grease, and because about half of all people will deal with itchy...


What Is The Best Diet For Hemorrhoids Sufferers? Foods to Eat & Avoid

When it feels like your body is always working against you instead of with you, getting your nutrition right may feel like a far away goal. The truth is, it...


Can Stress Cause Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids that cause discomfort are fairly easy to spot, but the cause of hemorrhoids can feel like such a mystery. Do you feel that nothing you’re physically doing should cause...


Is Yogurt Good for Hemorrhoids?

🗣️ Hemorrhoids are a common condition for an easy-to-explain reason: The veins in your lower rectum are significantly affected by your diet, and bad diets cause hemorrhoids to flare up....


Does Using Vicks on Hemorrhoids Provide Relief?

😟 Hemorrhoids are much more common than you think, but there’s a reason they’re not often on the table for discussion. These swollen veins responsible for swelling, itching and even...


Can You Pop a Hemorrhoid? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

When there’s something extra on the skin, some get a strange urge to pull it off - like picking a scab. It’s similar to a pimple. It feels strange, and...


Can Hemorrhoids Cause Constipation? Or is it the Other Way Around

🐣 Life's biggest question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 🌎 While we at the Doctor Butler's blog appreciate life's big mysteries, things aren't so philosophical around here....


The Stages & Signs a Fissure is Healing

An anal fissure refers to cuts or tears in the skin that lines the opening of the anus. The wound is typically small in size but can cause a significant...


Can Hemorrhoids Last For Years? Why Your Hemorrhoids Won’t Go Away

For being such a small group of veins in your lower rectum, hemorrhoids cause their fair share of unpleasant symptoms. When suffering from a flare-up, even short lived relief goes...

Hemorrhoids, Pregnancy and Motherhood

Healing Benefits of Postpartum Sitz Baths

With a new baby on your hands, the last thing you want holding you back after childbirth is lingering pain. Following nine months of pregnancy and then labor, however, anal...

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Proctologist developed solutions for hemorrhoids, fissures, pregnancy pains, personal cleansing and more.

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