
What Activities Aggravates Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can significantly impact your day to day life. Surviving even a day at work seems like an impossible task. The constant pain and discomfort that come with it, not to mention the basic activities like going to the toilet, seem like a huge struggle. In such a situation paying attention even to the tiniest activity of your daily routine can go a long way in reducing your struggle.

While most of the hemorrhoid patients are already aware of the advices such as cutting down on junk food and following a high fiber diet, there are some other common mistakes which one can avoid-

Lifting heavy objects

Refrain from heavy weight lifting. If you have recently started hitting the gym, it sure is beneficial. But make sure you do not overdo it with the weights. Weightlifting puts a lot of pressure on your clots.

Tip: Exercise moderately.

A poor hygiene

The worst enemies of a hemorrhoid patient is the heat and humidity. Irritation and itching will find you soon enough if you do not keep your anal area clean and dry. Pat the genital areas dry after washing it properly with warm water. Do not be harsh with the toilet paper to avoid burning sensations.

Tip: Always keep your toilet paper handy at the toilet.

Stress and anxiety

Take time out to de-stress yourself. When anxiety and depression creeps in your life, hemorrhoids flare up. Look for activities that calm you down and try following them on a daily basis.

Tip: Take a day off from work when stress levels rise up more than usual.

Sitting for longer durations

An inactive lifestyle also aggravates hemorrhoids. The veins of the blood vessels around the anal area go through a lot of pressure when you lead an inactive life. Sitting at your office desk, surfing the internet or TV or sitting at one place for a long time all add up to only worsen your situation.

Tip: Make a habit of jogging or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes everyday.

Losing track of time in the toilet

Spending more than the required time in the toilet may lead to more anal skin tags or bleeding. You may often tend to lose track of time when you use your scroll through your mobile phone or read the newspaper. More time only means more pressure on the blood vessels

Tip: Set a timer on your phone.

Too much coffee

Coffee causes dehydration. It also irritates the stomach lining. Caffeine consumption is known to cause constipation.

Tip: Replace your coffee time with water time.

Wet wipes

Some of the wet wipes contain alcohol that causes irritation or excruciating pain. Be careful when you buy wet wipes.

Tip: Avoid scented wet wipes.

Sometimes, even after making adequate changes in the lifestyle, you may still notice samples of blood in your stool with additional symptoms such as itching, excessive pain and swelling. It is the time to consult a doctor instead of suffering or being embarrassed about your condition. It is only you who can get yourself out of the misery and seek treatment.

About Robert Cutler, D.O.

Dr. Robert Cutler has performed duties as a specialist in the field of Proctology over 30 years as a practicing physician. Over this time, he has had great success integrating patient care from both an efficiency standpoint and as a practical approach to holistic and preventative medicine.

Dr. Cutler also performs FDA approved Clinical Trials and has had formal research training in Human Subject Assurance Training, OHRP/NIH and Good Clinical Practice for Investigators, Quintiles. Dr. Cutler continues to work on creating more affordable solutions to help people who are affected by ano-rectal problems as well as various chronic or acute skin issues.

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