
External Hemorrhoid Remedy Tips & Tricks

For some people, another day is the start of yet another external hemorrhoid. If this sounds like you, then we have the tips you need to bring some comfort into your life. After all, you have other things to do today, and being in pain all day doesn’t need to be one of them. Simply follow the tips below to start the day off right. None of them take very long, but you can count on lasting relief when you put them all together.

External Hemorrhoid Treatments You Can Use

  1. Take an oatmeal sitz bath – It’s like a personal bath for your bottom and concentrates all the comfort to your hemorrhoids. You can do this three times a day for up to 10 minutes per bath.
  2. Use witch hazel soaked cotton balls – You can apply these directly to the hemorrhoid. Don’t rub, just place it on there gently. You can also do this three times a day, for up to 15 minutes.
  3. Use our hemorrhoid ointment – This will relieve the pain, itching, burning, bleeding, and swelling. It’s colorless and odorless and will bring relief on contact.

Why Use Dr. Butler’s OintmentExternal Hemorrhoid Remedy

This hemorrhoid ointment is truly unique and very effective. It’s FDA approved and created by a practicing physician. When you read the label you’ll be glad to see aloe, horse chestnut, gotu kola, and calendula. If those herbs sound familiar, it’s because they all are hemorrhoid treatments. You’ll be pleased with the results you get, so order a tube for yourself today, and get your sitz bath and witch hazel ready.

About Robert Cutler, D.O.

Dr. Robert Cutler has performed duties as a specialist in the field of Proctology over 30 years as a practicing physician. Over this time, he has had great success integrating patient care from both an efficiency standpoint and as a practical approach to holistic and preventative medicine.

Dr. Cutler also performs FDA approved Clinical Trials and has had formal research training in Human Subject Assurance Training, OHRP/NIH and Good Clinical Practice for Investigators, Quintiles. Dr. Cutler continues to work on creating more affordable solutions to help people who are affected by ano-rectal problems as well as various chronic or acute skin issues.

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