
Aloe Vera on Hemorrhoids: Applying Aloe Vera During Home Treatment

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus that cause discomfort such as itchiness, redness and swelling. Daily activities that create extra strain on this region can lead to hemorrhoids, which makes them a common occurrence. Treatment for hemorrhoids using at-home methods is typically successful, including the use of plant-derived and natural remedies. Aloe is one such ingredient, popular in dermatological care and most commonly found in gel form. Find out how using aloe vera for hemorrhoids takes advantage of this plant’s powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to help soothe and to cure hemorrhoids.

We at Doctor Butler’s make a ready-made hemorrhoid ointment that’s been awarded best in class for more than three years running by the likes of VeryWellHealth.com and Health.com, but we aren’t strangers to advising complementary and alternative solutions to hemorrhoid and fissure problems. Read this post and then give aloe vera a shot.

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Table of Contents

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum or anus that can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bleeding, itching and redness. Hemorrhoids can occur internally or externally, and prolapsed hemorrhoids are swollen veins that have popped outside of the anus from within, often appearing as purpleish, grape-like lumps. 

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids include straining during bowel movements, sitting for long periods (for example, using your phone while on the toilet), obesity, and pregnancy. They can also be the result of diet and lack of physical activity, meaning lifestyle changes are an effective way of preventing hemorrhoids. Eating high-fiber foods, increasing your intake of fluids and adding more movement to your routine are all important hemorrhoids self-care steps.

TLDR: They are swollen veins in and around your butt.

The Science Behind Aloe Vera

The aloe plant has been utilized for its medicinal properties since 1750 B.C.E. While there are more than 300 species of Aloe, the plant we colloquially refer to as Aloe Vera is Aloe barbadensis1. It contains more than 75 known chemical compounds, including hormones, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and more2. Can you use aloe vera on hemorrhoids? Yes! Keep reading to learn how these active compounds play a part in skin health and healing, aloe vera’s effect on hemorrhoids, and why aloe is often included in natural treatment applications for hemorrhoids.

The Healing Properties of Aloe Vera

Using pure aloe vera for hemorrhoids offers access to a variety of medicinal properties occurring naturally in the plant itself. Those same compounds that directly encourage wound healing and overall skin protection3 also have anti inflammatory and antiseptic properties4 that target many of the uncomfortable symptoms faced by hemorrhoid sufferers. Not only can aloe gel applied externally help target inflammation, but pure aloe vera consumed internally (yes, eating it!) can have similarly positive results fighting inflammatory bowel disease5. It is often used as a laxative and complementary therapy option in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome6.

You’re likely interested in relief right away, however, so here’s how aloe can help when applied to skin.

Aloe Vera and Skin Health

Wound healing consists of three different stages: inflammatory, proliferation and maturation. When we apply aloe to a burn or wound, the result is a speeding up of the proliferation stage, in which fibroblasts help to establish a new layer of skin over the injury. The glucomannan found in aloe stimulates additional fibroblast growth, leading to the production of extra collagen8. Aloe actually then goes a step further, changing the composition of the excess collagen and making it stronger and more fibrous as it moves to the maturation phase of healing9.

In addition to treating burns, aloe vera gel applied topically has been shown to be an effective option for healing other skin wounds such as ulcers, lesions and chronic anal fissures10. It has been demonstrated to minimize inflammation, pain and bleeding, as well as improve the depth, size and edema surrounding wound sights. Importantly for hemorrhoid sufferers, spreading aloe vera over irritated or lacerated skin provides a protective covering over the wound without the use of a bandage, which may inhibit the speed and success of healing12. In the case of hemorrhoids, using a bandage is not feasible, so putting the gel from aloe vera leaves on hemorrhoids is a great natural option.

How Do You Use Aloe Vera On Hemorrhoids?

Aloe vera is available in many forms if you want to add it into your hemorrhoids self-care routine. Read below to learn how to apply aloe vera on hemorrhoids and other ways to incorporate these natural remedies in your at-home care. 

  • Aloe Vera Gel – Growing or purchasing your own aloe plant gives you direct access to aloe vera gel, which can be obtained by cutting open the aloe vera leaves. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly or wear gloves if applying the gel directly onto your hemorrhoid or affected skin. How to apply aloe vera gel on hemorrhoids is as simple as it sounds, just rub a thin layer over the area you wish to treat and gently wash off in about twenty minutes. Repeat this up to three times a day while experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. 
  • Aloe Vera Juice – Not only is aloe vera juice hydrating, but barbaloin, one of its main compounds, helps regulate digestion by increasing water content and mucus secretion in the gut13. Be careful when purchasing store bought juice that the added sugar and preservatives don’t outweigh the health benefits. Peeling an aloe vera leaf, rinsing off any excess latex and blending the gel with water makes a pure beverage that will give you glowing skin, fight gingivitis14, and keep you regular, making aloe vera juice for hemorrhoids a safe and smart option to add to your routine. 
  • Aloe Vera with Lidocaine – While aloe vera gel’s anti-inflammatory properties and painless, cooling effect can be utilized alone, the ingredient is often included in hemorrhoid ointments and creams. Why? Combining the power of aloe with medicated relief from active ingredients such as lidocaine or phenylephrine hydrochloride adds an extra boost when you’re in need of multi-symptom relief. 
  • Aloe Vera Wipes – You’ll often see aloe advertised as a main ingredient in baby, wet, or hemorrhoid wipes. Including aloe vera in wipes helps prevent irritation or damage from occurring to the skin where the wipe is being applied. Aloe vera wipes for hemorrhoids help ensure that the sensitive area around the hemorrhoid stays clean and may be gentler to use than toilet paper if you’re mid-flare up. 
  • Aloe Vera Suppository – Suppositories are a good strategy for targeting symptoms related to internal hemorrhoids, as lots of creams are for external use only and should not be applied internally. Natural suppositories deliver temporary relief from symptoms stemming from nerves and blood vessels in the rectum and anus. Aloe vera suppositories for hemorrhoids deliver the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and protective benefits of the plant to the internal hemorrhoid site.
  • Aloe Vera Capsules – You can find aloe vera capsules in different forms to support varying health concerns. Capsules taken with skin care in mind may have the insoluble fiber and anthraquinone removed to prevent gastric interference. Aloe vera capsules utilized for urinary tract or digestive system health will be labeled as containing the full or inner leaf, meaning you’re getting the entire spectrum of benefits offered by the plant. 

As a general rule, while at-home care and treatment methods are always encouraged, hemorrhoids or related conditions that do not improve after a few days of use should be brought to a doctor for professional attention. There is always the potential for allergy or mild reaction to ingredients your body has not yet encountered, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for any signs of allergy or infection when using aloe for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Does Aloe Vera Help Shrink Hemorrhoids?

Adding aloe vera to hemorrhoid self-care or at-home treatment is a simple and effective way to supplement those efforts. Does aloe vera help shrink hemorrhoids? Including the plant in a healthy maintenance routine or in combination with treatment products will help minimize symptoms, ease flare-ups and aid in prevention of more chronic concerns, but the plant itself will not help reduce swelling. (Look for an ointment with Phenylephrine or another vasoconstrictor to do that.)

That doesn’t negate all of the potential benefits spoken about, it just means to use aloe in combination with ingredients that provide swelling relief.

Differentiating Between Topical and Edible Aloe Vera for Hemorrhoids

While it is safe to apply the gel directly from the plant onto skin irritated as a result of hemorrhoids, it is not suitable to ingest many forms of topical aloe, which is often combined with ingredients that are not edible. Can you use aloe vera with lidocaine on hemorrhoids? Certainly, but this is a great example of aloe that should not be consumed orally. Similarly, if you’re wondering how to apply aloe vera gel on internal hemorrhoids, the answer is simple: do it with a cream approved for rectal use, or try eating some edible aloe and see if your symptoms improve!

As with all natural additives or even when using pure aloe, it is important to pay attention to your body’s reaction. Potential risks of eating aloe can include stomach cramps, diarrhea, or allergic reaction (hives and other skin irritation). Those with existing allergies in the lily family (including onions and tulips) may want to avoid use15.  

Also note that whole leaf extracts of aloe contain the latex portion of the plant, which is known for its laxative properties and can cause adverse symptoms. Those with previous gastric sensitivities may want to avoid eating aloe in the form of juice or capsules or consuming aloe vera gel. If you are experiencing a hemorrhoid flare-up or waiting for affected skin to heal, internal use of aloe is akin to taking psyllium husk or other fiber supplements. Increasing fiber should be avoided until your anus and rectum area have healed and can handle more regular or increased bowel movements. 

Aloe and Hemorrhoids: What Does the Current Research Say?

Aloe’s multifaceted benefits have been put to the test in regard to skin, digestive and dental health, as well as many other physical areas16. Studies have proven that it is effective in healing wounds, helping to stave off infection and reduce redness and itching17.  While the use of aloe vera as the sole treatment for gastrointestinal disorders has insufficient data to establish its success, its role in complementary treatment or as an alternative therapy for many digestive and gastrointestinal issues has been established18,19. This should all be music to the ears of hemorrhoids sufferers, who may seek out the use of aloe both to regulate and prevent hemorrhoids via digestive tract maintenance and ease uncomfortable external symptoms.

Aloe Vera vs. Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid Treatments

Doctor Butler’s is proud of its physician-designed formulas that combine both active and natural ingredients to deliver powerful and effective hemorrhoid pain relief. We call our formula bio-enhanced for a reason, and it’s the proprietary mix of herbs, essential oils, beneficial minerals and an amino acid that give our line of hemorrhoid products an extra boost. Our Maximum Strength hemorrhoid cream and formula relies on the one-two punch of aloe and lidocaine to deliver proven relief in a part homeopathic, part herbal take on traditional over-the-counter medications, and out advanced hemorrhoid cream works similarly but with other natural ingredients such as Horse Chestnut and Tumeric.

Aloe Vera FAQs

  1. Can I use Aloe Vera for hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Topical aloe vera is a great alternative to skin care products that contain harsh chemicals such as retinoids and phthalates, which may not be safe while pregnant. Aloe should not be ingested while pregnant or breastfeeding, as the latex it contains may stimulate the uterus and initiate premature labor. Additionally, oral aloe may cause gastrointestinal distress in infants if taken while nursing20
  2. How long does it take to see results from using Aloe Vera on hemorrhoids? Each person responds differently to hemorrhoid treatments, and the rate of healing often has to do with the severity of symptoms. Combining the use of aloe vera with medicated creams or ointments and other at-home treatments such as sitz baths may increase the speed of dissipation for uncomfortable symptoms. 
  3. Are there any known interactions between Aloe Vera and other hemorrhoid treatments? Use of aloe vera has been shown by experts to increase the absorption rate of steroid creams (hydrocortisone) by blocking some of the amino acids that inhibit healing21, making it a beneficial pre-application step for topical hemorrhoid treatments that do not already contain it as an ingredient. 
  4. Can I use Aloe Vera for hemorrhoids prevention? A crucial element of hemorrhoid prevention is adopting a hemorrhoid healthy diet. If you are concerned with a lack of fiber or struggle with constipation, consuming aloe vera juice or capsules may help regulate your digestive tract. (You can think about it the same way you’d use psyllium husk.) Skin care products that include aloe or using the gel directly can keep skin hydrated, particularly in areas that may be prone to drying and lead to anal fissure or other conditions that exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms. 
  5. Are there any conditions that would make Aloe Vera a poor choice for hemorrhoid treatment? If you suffer from hemorrhoids as a result of diarrhea or frequently experience loose stools, ingesting aloe vera is not recommended as part of a treatment plan. 
  6. How should I store Aloe Vera products for hemorrhoids treatment? Aloe vera juice should be refrigerated once it is opened, even if the bottle was purchased as a shelf-stable product. This will help maintain its potency and prevent bacteria from growing in the juice. Gel that is taken directly from the plant and not used immediately should also be stored in an air-tight container and kept in the refrigerator or frozen. 
  7. Can I use Aloe Vera in conjunction with lifestyle changes for better hemorrhoid management? Whether it’s for internal or external hemorrhoids, or used topically or taken orally, aloe vera is an excellent way to support a lifestyle that is focused on being hemorrhoid free. Supplementing conscious changes to diet and physical activity with a natural booster like aloe will keep your body running smoothly and help prevent the complications that lead to issues such as hemorrhoids. 
  8. Can I grow my own Aloe Vera plant for hemorrhoids treatment? Absolutely! Growing an aloe vera plant is typically an indoor operation if you don’t live in a hot and dry climate. Keeping it on a window sill or anywhere bright is a must, and be sure not to overwater.  In addition to helping your body, having an aloe plant at home will help purify the air. Aloe can also very easily be grown from leaf cuttings, so find a friend and get some aloe growing today! 

Making an Informed Decision

Hemorrhoids self-care looks a little different for each of us, and it’s important to stay in tune with symptoms and how your body responds to what treatments. Doctor Butler’s offers FDA approved and award winning formulas that combine the ingredients we have found work best at getting you back to a hemorrhoid free behind. Aloe vera is a staple ingredient in our hemorrhoid care kit for its natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and we encourage you to include it in your hemorrhoid health and wellness routine however works best for you!


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Medical Citations

  1.  Shelton MR. Aloe vera – its chemical and therapeutic properties. Int J Dermatol 1991; 30:679-83.     https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-4362.1991.tb02607.x
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  3.  Hekmatpou, D., Mehrabi, F., Rahzani, K., & Aminiyan, A. (2019). The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review. Iranian journal of medical sciences, 44(1), 1–9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6330525/#ref7 
  4.  P. Sahu, D. Giri, R. Singh, P. Pandey, S. Gupta, A. Shrivastava, A. Kumar and K. Pandey, “Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses of Aloe vera: A Review,” Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Vol. 4 No. 8, 2013, pp. 599-610. doi: 10.4236/pp.2013.48086.
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  17.  Hekmatpou, D., Mehrabi, F., Rahzani, K., & Aminiyan, A. (2019). The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Prevention and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review. Iranian journal of medical sciences, 44(1), 1–9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6330525/#:~:text=Aloe%20vera%20is%20mainly%20used,%25%20ointment%2C%20and%20framycetin%20cream.
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About Robert Cutler, D.O.

Dr. Robert Cutler has performed duties as a specialist in the field of Proctology over 30 years as a practicing physician. Over this time, he has had great success integrating patient care from both an efficiency standpoint and as a practical approach to holistic and preventative medicine.

Dr. Cutler also performs FDA approved Clinical Trials and has had formal research training in Human Subject Assurance Training, OHRP/NIH and Good Clinical Practice for Investigators, Quintiles. Dr. Cutler continues to work on creating more affordable solutions to help people who are affected by ano-rectal problems as well as various chronic or acute skin issues.

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