
Tips for Running with Hemorrhoids

The love for running is rooted in how it nourishes the mind, body, soul, and spirit. For those who wear out several pairs of shoes a year, and know the backroads by heart, nothing stops them from racking up more miles. Runners are passionate about running.

Through running, we discover how powerful the human body is. Marathons show how we can push ourselves beyond the limits.

As our bodies reach peak performance, this may cause us to temporarily forget how the body is flawed. Injuries happen, especially to the legs and feet. Other painful conditions might also interfere with running – like hemorrhoids.

With any injury – minor or serious – you might wonder if running makes matters worse. If an injury gets worse, that would mean having to miss out on running even longer. So does running with hemorrhoids make it worse? We’ll share some tips to keep you on your feet!

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Aches and pains are a part of life, but how do you know that the pain you’re experiencing is, in fact, a case of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids (or “piles”) occur when veins swell along the wall of the rectum. This swelling is caused by pressure on one or more veins. There are two types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Blood is seen on toilet tissue when wiping. When internal, hemorrhoids aren’t usually felt. However, they may be felt if forced outside the rectum.
  • External hemorrhoids: Pain, swelling, itching, and bleeding are all signs of external hemorrhoid problems. Mucus may also be present around the affected area.

How long hemorrhoid flare-ups last depends on the extent of the damage. In mild cases hemorrhoids clear up in a few days, however, a more acute case of hemorrhoids may persist for weeks. If the hemorrhoids haven’t improved after a few weeks, contact your healthcare provider.

What Exactly Causes Hemorrhoids?

What causes veins to swell in the rectum to the point that a hemorrhoid is formed? Hemorrhoids are usually caused by straining.

Lifting something heavy, pushing during childbirth, or forcing a stool during a bowel movement are all ways someone would strain muscles around the anus. When these muscles are strained, this pressure causes swelling to create hemorrhoids. Chronic constipation and diarrhea also contribute to hemorrhoids.

Below are the Mayo clinic’s symptoms of hemorrhoids:

Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids

  • Bleeding
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Anal swelling
  • Itching or irritation around the anus

Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids

  • Bleeding during bowel movements. Traces of blood are seen on the toilet tissue but without pain.
  • Internal hemorrhoids have the potential to become prolapsed or protrude if forced to the outside. This results in pain and irritation.

Symptoms of Thrombosed (Blood Clot) Hemorrhoids

  • Hard lump formation near the anus
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Severe pain

When you notice symptoms of hemorrhoids, don’t delay. Treat it now to keep it from getting worse. Hemorrhoid cream is your defense! Doctor Butler’s proprietary blend of powerful ingredients speeds up the healing process.

Our unique hemorrhoid cream is effective in treating interior and external hemorrhoids, fissures, and symptoms of other anorectal conditions including pain, bleeding, burning, itching, protrusion. Please consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant or nursing.

Our multipurpose wipes both cleanses and soothes the irritations caused by hemorrhoids and other anorectal/perineal conditions. These are safe to use while pregnant or nursing.

While using a topical hemorrhoid treatment, remember to care for a hemorrhoid flare-up in other ways such as staying hydrated, getting plenty of fiber, and (most importantly) no straining.

Can I Run with Hemorrhoids?

Running with hemorrhoids is possible, but it depends on the circumstances.

Any activity that makes a hemorrhoid situation worse adds time to the healing process. The sooner you heal, the sooner you can get back to what you love – running. So be careful not to make it worse with running.

Because of the chafing and sweating that happens with running, this activity may not be compatible with a serious case of hemorrhoids.

For minor cases, running with hemorrhoids is most likely harmless. Runners are used to dismissing pain as something to power through, but remember that pain is a signal that something is wrong. When jogging with hemorrhoids causes extreme discomfort and increased pain, this is a sign to stop.

Tips for Running with Hemorrhoids

If you clear it with your doctor to keep running, or you decide the hemorrhoid situation isn’t bad enough to stop, here are some tips on running with hemorrhoids.

(Remember to contact your healthcare professional when symptoms are severe or persistent for longer than a few weeks.)

1. Wear Appropriate Underwear

Chafing and the accumulation of sweat can make hemorrhoids worse. Wearing breathable underwear minimizes sweat.

Clothing with the moisture-wicking feature is popular for sports and outdoor activity. Wicking underwear tends to be more expensive than normal underwear, but it further reduces sweat build up.

Another issue with underwear is when it rides up. Wearing thong underwear or garments that ride up from being too tight will cause further hemorrhoid irritation.

The idea is to wear underwear that doesn’t irritate, further injure, or interfere with hygiene.

2. Keep Your Tush Clean

It’s nice to take a long shower after a long run. But when you have a case of hemorrhoids it’s important to be clean before and after sessions. Cleanliness promotes healing.

Don’t go on a run until you’re clean and dry down there.

3. Treat Before and After a Run

With topical treatments, you get the maximum benefit of the cream from regular applications.

Doctor Butler’s ointment and wipes reduce pain and discomfort to make your run more comfortable. Our products are specially formulated to relieve pain, reduce burning and itching, and promote hygiene.

Running should be enjoyable. Don’t put up with symptoms. Use our potent ointment to take away the distraction of hemorrhoid discomfort.

4. Maintain a Proper Diet

Healing is the goal. Staying hydrated and eating high-fiber foods promotes better bowel movements. Harvard Health recommends a diet with 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day.

Avoid constipation and diarrhea with healthier eating and drinking habits. Difficulty with bowel movements delays healing and may make it worse.

Don’t Let Hemorrhoids Get in the Way!

Can’t stop, won’t stop is the spirit of the runner. Addressing the problem right away with a change of habits and the appropriate remedies is how you leave the pain behind you so you can keep moving forward.

We understand how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise promotes healing for issues like hemorrhoids. Doctor Butler’s hemorrhoid ointment is designed for the active lifestyle as it is specially formulated to speed up healing and alleviate acute symptoms.

While we are confident that our ointment is the strongest non-prescription cream on the market and will do the job, in some cases a visit to the proctologist for hemorrhoids is warranted. If you’ve taken the necessary steps to clear up the issue yet they persist after a few weeks or get worse, or for any other concerns contact your doctor. You may need the help of a specialist.

Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid & Fissure Ointment is the creation of a proctologist with many years in the field. For the best remedy you can get without a prescription, order a tube of Doctor Butler’s today!

About Robert Cutler, D.O.

Dr. Robert Cutler has performed duties as a specialist in the field of Proctology over 30 years as a practicing physician. Over this time, he has had great success integrating patient care from both an efficiency standpoint and as a practical approach to holistic and preventative medicine.

Dr. Cutler also performs FDA approved Clinical Trials and has had formal research training in Human Subject Assurance Training, OHRP/NIH and Good Clinical Practice for Investigators, Quintiles. Dr. Cutler continues to work on creating more affordable solutions to help people who are affected by ano-rectal problems as well as various chronic or acute skin issues.

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